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E-sports is a fast-growing segment and experienced rapid growth during the pandemic. Neuravena® has been shown to improve speed of performance in a range of cognitive tasks, including attention, alertness, executive function and working memory (Kennedy et al, 2015). These are all traits sought by e-gamers.


Neuravena® is suitable for capsules and tablets, as well as for fluid or beverage base formats, making it an excellent choice for various applications.


the nootropic for champions!


Additionally, Neuravena® is also shown to improve blood flow (Wong et al, 2013) – another important benefit for gamers, many of whom live inactive lifestyles.

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More suggestions for use

At home

Feel at home and at ease with Neuravena®
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In class

When you need to stay focused for your studies and exams
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At work

When you need to activate your mind at work
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